Business Development Resources
Data & Research
Workforce Development
Small Business Assistance

Data & Research
Center for Urban & Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota
CURA is an all-university center for applied research and technical assistance. It supports research and publishes policy-related reports on a wide range of urban and regional issues.
Compare Minnesota
This interactive tool enables users to do see how Minnesota compares against other states on a range of critical economic development factors – including business performance, work ethic, education, innovation and livability.
J.J. Hill Reference Library
The James J. Hill Library in downtown Saint Paul is one of the most comprehensive business libraries in the country. It houses a world-class collection of practical business information resources, both online and in print. It specializes in serving the information needs of small business. It also provides training and educational programs to companies and communities around the globe.
Metropolitan Council
The Met Council coordinates economic development, community planning and service provision for the seven-county Twin Cities region. Through its 2030 Regional Development Frameworkgrowth plan, the Council supports development that makes the most efficient use of public investments, protects natural resources, enhances livability, and promotes economic competitiveness. The Council also provides regional bus service, operates Hiawatha light rail, collects and treats wastewater, plans and funds a regional parks system, and provides affordable housing.
Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development
DEED is the State of Minnesota’s economic development agency. It administers programs to promote business recruitment, expansion and retention. It also engages in workforce development, international trade and community development. The agency supports the economic success of individuals, businesses and communities by improving opportunity for growth.
Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry
The Department ensures that Minnesota's work and living environments are equitable, healthy and safe. It oversees construction codes and licensing, labor standards, workers’ compensation, OHSA, apprenticeship training programs, and labor-related policy development, research and statistics.
Minnesota Labor Market Information
DEED provides tools for accessing comprehensive Labor Market Information (LMI) on the state, individual counties and cities.
Minnesota Land Management Information Center
Minnesota’s LMIC helps other government and non-government organizations achieve better, faster and more cost-effective results through the creative use of GIS and other geospatial information technologies. LIMC coordinates GIS and data development activities, provides data and mapping services, consults with organizations on how to achieve better outcomes using GIS technology, and provides guidance on decision-support systems.
Minnesota Local Area Unemployment Statistics
LAUS is a cooperative program between the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and state agencies. The Minnesota program provides monthly estimates of labor force, employment and unemployment for the state and local areas. It bases those estimates on data from the Current Population Survey, the Current Employment Statistics (CES) program, and the Unemployment Insurance (UI) statistics program.
Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota
The Center is a university-wide interdisciplinary cooperative for demographic research. As a leading developer and disseminator of demographic data, it serves 25,000 demographic researchers around the world, as well as ten colleges and 19 departments within the University of Minnesota. It employs a research staff of nearly 100.
Minnesota Secretary of State
The Secretary of State is an elected official charged with keeping the files and certifying the authenticity of a wide variety of state documents. All Minnesota businesses must register with the Secretary of State.
Minnesota State Demographic Center
The Center analyzes and distributes data from state, U.S. Census Bureau and other sources. It is a respected source of labor force and population projections on Minnesota counties and communities.
MNPRO is a non-GIS site selection tool for searching available commercial buildings and land throughout Minnesota. It is operated by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development.
Office for Business & Community Economic Development, University of Minnesota
The Office partners with government, private enterprise and community organizations to contribute to the economic growth and development of Minnesota communities.
Twin Cities Compass
Twin Cities Compass promotes the region's well-being by measuring progress, reporting findings and providing strategies for action. It is led by Wilder Research in partnership with community-serving organizations, funders and volunteers.
U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
The agency creates a series of useful regional data, including the Regional Economic Information System (REIS). REIS provides the most comprehensive tally of income and employment at the state, metro and county level. Ten years ago, BEA unveiled Gross State Product (GSP) – estimates of state-level economic activity measured by value added for 63 industries and the state as a whole.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
The Bureau is the principal fact-finding agency for the federal government in the field of labor economics and statistics. It produces relevant data on the social and economic conditions of the country, its workers, and their families. Data is available on state and county levels.
U.S. Census Bureau
American FactFinder provides quick access to population, housing, economic and geographic data.
Wilder Research Center
Community DataWorks is the online data service of Wilder Research Center, an affiliate of the Minnesota State Data Center. Wilder Research provides access to census, economic and demographic data on the Saint Paul area.
Like, ZoomProspector simplifies the process of site selection analysis so companies can quickly identify the optimal location for their business start-up, expansion or relocation across the U.S. Businesses define the community and property characteristics that are important to them. Then ZoomProspector uses its online mapping technology to search and display the locations that exactly match the company's needs, anywhere in the country.
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Enterprise Minnesota
MTI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to strengthening Minnesota’s manufacturing and related industries. Its business consultants work closely with companies to improve their efficiencies and output, contain their costs, and achieve real growth in sales, revenue, and earnings. They help clients identify and employ business solutions in growth services, operational efficiencies, applied technologies, supply chain management, and workforce development.
Greater Metropolitan Area Foreign Trade Zone Commission
It holds the grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce to establish foreign trade zones (FTZs) in the Metro MSP region. Minnesota manufacturers operating within an FTZ can reduce or eliminate duties on imported components. FTZs are also used to bring imported goods into compliance before formal entry into the country. Companies can locate in one of the established public zone sites or apply for zone status for their own facility. The Commission can help local companies determine if FTZ status will be of financial benefit.
Manufacturing Extension Program (MEP) of the National Institute of Standards & Technology, Minnesota Center
Minnesota's MEP Center focuses on making the state's industrial base more competitive. It bridges the productivity gap for manufacturers, identifies opportunities for growth, and encourages technology deployment by providing fundamental services in business and process improvements. Programs cover Lean manufacturing, sustainable energy and environmental services, and information technology. It is based at Minnesota Technology Inc.
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Workforce Development
Greater Metropolitan Workforce Council
The GMWC oversees publicly funded workforce development services in the 11-county Metro MSP region. It publishes a biennial assessment of the Twin Cities workforce, The Workforce Regional Analysis for a Comprehensive Economy (RACE) Report. The GMWC also works through the Employer Services Partnership – a cooperative of public, private and non-profit organizations in the metro area dedicated to offering high-value employer workforce services.
Minnesota Job Skills Partnership
The program helps Minnesota businesses and schools competitively train/retrain the state’s workforce. It awards matching grants to educational institutions that partner with businesses. Funds may be used for training-related costs or educational infrastructure improvements. Businesses located in Minnesota, or intending to locate in Minnesota, are eligible for support.
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Small Business Assistance is a national clearinghouse for small business resources. It helps users find grants and loans, choose a business name, access tax information, get started in government contracting, hire a new employee and more.
Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers
MCCD is an association of nonprofit community development organizations. It is committed to expanding the wealth and resources of Minneapolis and suburban Hennepin County neighborhoods through economic development and housing initiatives. Among other initiatives, it manages a micro-loan program designed to improve capital access for new and growing neighborhood-based businesses.
National Association of Woman Business Owners, Minnesota Chapter
As one of 90 NAWBO chapters in the U.S., the Minnesota chapter gives women business owners the opportunity to network with other women entrepreneurs, educate government officials on business issues related to women, and benefit from leadership training.
Neighborhood Development Center, Inc.
NDC is a community-based nonprofit organization that helps emerging entrepreneurs develop successful businesses that build stronger neighborhood economies. It invests in low-income neighborhoods in the Metro MSP region and greater Minnesota.
The Service Corps of Retired Executives is a national, nonprofit organization dedicated to the formation, growth and success of small businesses. Its volunteer counselors are working or retired business owners, executives and corporate leaders. They provide free and confidential advice to entrepreneurs and small business owners in every industry. SCORE has branch offices in Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, Saint Paul and Burnsville.
Small Business Administration (SBA), Minnesota District
The SBA is an independent agency of the federal government. Its mission is to protect the interests of small businesses, preserve free enterprise, and strengthen the U.S. economy. Minnesota's district office, located in downtown Minneapolis, offers numerous programs to help Minnesotans start, build and grow businesses – including small business planning assistance, free online training, and online business consulting. Minnesota’s district office is located in downtown Minneapolis.
Small Business Management Programs
Small business management mentors work one-on-one with Metro MSP business owners to help them grow their operations. Fees are underwritten in part by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system (MnSCU) and the Minnesota Legislature.
Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Minnesota
SBDCs provide business consulting services at no charge to small business owners and entrepreneurs. Minnesota SBDCs are located at the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), the SBA, the University of St. Thomas, and St. Cloud State University.
Small Business Development Center (SBDC), University of St. Thomas
The University of St. Thomas’ SBDC has provided no-cost consulting to more than 10,000 small businesses and entrepreneurs in the Twin Cities area since 1981. It helps business owners develop strategies, attract customers, increase sales and improve profitability. Consultants have extensive, practical experience in marketing, finance, accounting, operations and/or business planning. Most have advanced degrees and have been business owners.
SPEDCO is a nonprofit certified development company dedicated to helping Minnesota small businesses obtain financing for job creation or business expansion. As a registered agent of the SBA since 1981, SPEDCO is certified to provide long-term, fixed-rate loans through the SBA 504 Loan program and 7(a) loan packaging consulting services to banks and their customers.
Twin Cities Metro
Twin Cities Metro is a nonprofit certified development company that stimulates the growth of small businesses by providing access to SBA loan programs. Founded in 1990, it has become one of the largest CDCs in the country. It partners with business owners and financial institutions throughout Minnesota and Western Wisconsin.
Women Venture
WomenVenture provides the technical tools and emotional support to help Minnesotans start and grow a business, find a new job, or develop a new career path. It serves women and men of all economic and ethnic backgrounds. It provides career planning, small business development assistance and loans, training in financial literacy, and GirlVenture training to help girls become healthy adults.
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